When Problems With Step-Parents Prompt Child Custody Modifications In Tampa
Parenting plans in Tampa dictate the rights of each party when a couple is divorced, unmarried, or otherwise separated. Once a parenting plan is put in place through the family court, both parties are legally required to follow it and can face serious penalties if they fail to do so.
However, as years go by, there are circumstances that may prompt you to want to make child custody modifications. Our Tampa child custody attorney explains common problems concerning step-parents that may necessitate taking legal action.
When Step-Parents Jeopardize The Best Interests Of Your Child
When parents are unmarried or file for divorce in Tampa, child custody is generally shared between both parties. Under the Florida Statutes, having both parents involved in the child’s life is generally considered in the child’s best interests.
As the years go by, the other parent is likely to enter into new relationships. Step-parents can provide additional love and support, but there are also situations in which their behavior may be toxic. Common problems with step-parents that can jeopardize your child and your relationship with them include:
- Routinely bad-mouthing you to the child;
- Treating them differently than other children in the home;
- Excessive blaming, shaming, or other harmful behavior;
- Exposing them to criminal activities or excessive alcohol and drug use;
- Making threats or other types of abuse, in which case you need to take action right away.
Making Child Custody Modifications In Tampa
Once a Florida parenting plan is put in place through the Manatee County Family Court, both parents are required to follow it. You can face serious penalties, including loss of parental rights, for making any type of changes. However, if the behavior of a step-parent is jeopardizing the best interests of you or your child, it is important to take legal action immediately in requesting changes.
Parenting plans may be reviewed by a judge, and changes may be requested in cases involving toxic step-parents or other serious situations, such as:
- You have a new job offer or otherwise want to move out of the area;
- Major changes in your or your child’s schedule no longer coordinate with the current parenting plan;
- The other parent is repeatedly late for visits or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the parenting plan
- They recently undertook a new hobby, lifestyle, or relationship that endangers your child or your relationship with them.
Depending on what prompts child custody modifications in Tampa, you may be entitled to an immediate hearing before a judge. This hearing can result in a temporary emergency order changing the terms of custody and any current arrangements.
Contact Our Tampa Child Custody Lawyer Today
When it comes to protecting yourself and your children, Bubley & Bubley, P.A. provides the caring support and trusted legal guidance you need. To find out more about parenting plans and child custody modifications in Tampa, contact our office. Request a consultation with our experienced Tampa child custody lawyer today.